Definition of Terms
Rebuilt Piano Definition
A used piano that has been disassembled, inspected, and repaired as necessary with replacement of all worn or deteriorated parts, re-assembled, tested, and approved to at least the same tolerances as a new piano of like manufacture.
Reconditioned Piano Definition
A used piano that has been put back in good condition by cleaning, repairing and adjusting for maximum performance with replacement parts where specifically indicated.
Piano Tuning Definition
Piano tuning is the aligning of the musical pitch of the various notes of the piano, by adjusting the tension of the piano’s strings, in order to achieve a desired musical effect. Preferences in desired musical effects and methods in achieving those preferences will vary. Piano “tuning” does not involve the functioning of a piano’s key mechanism. (The “tune-up” of an automobile engine may involve keeping machinery running smoothly, but piano “tuning” by itself does not.)
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